Established | : January, 1984 | |
Capital | : ¥30 million (Japanese Yen) | |
Representation | : Representative Director & President , Takuji Horie | |
Main Office | : 5090 Kamidori ,Koike,Tsubame city,Niigata Prefecture,Japan (Postal Code) 959-1276 |
Phone | : 0256-66-2237 (from outside Japan 81-256-66-2237) | |
Fax | : 0256-64-5133 (from outside Japan 81-256-64-5133) | |
E.mail | : | |
Improvement of technology as the comapany of R & D. HORIE has met with titanium at 1988, when we groped to find our capability on many kind of metals. We felt some destiny with titanium metal and started the step to find the possibility of titanium. After many trials, we have developed the metal treatment technology, and accumulated research data. We have manufactured the new products. Now, HORIE is evaluated as a high class technology company, by our customers. Most important consideration on manufacturing some products, is "how we can utilize the characteristics of material ?" We believe the well utilization of material makes the value of products. HORIE estimates the manufacturing of original products, by R & D of titanium. |